Step 1 : Teachers, what you need to know
gu•idance kids is an element of defining [move•ment], a non-profit based in Florida dedicated to cultivating the arts community by equipping artists with the knowledge, tools, and support needed for them to take their next step.
Registration for Session B:
Opens Monday, Sept 20, 2021
Closes Tuesday, Oct 19, 2021
Class schedule:
6-week session.
October 25 - Dec 7 , 2021
3:15 - 3:45 Creativity & Exploration
3:55 - 4:25 Discovery & Adventure
3:15 - 3:45 Gifted Gardeners & Ladybugs
3:55 - 4:25 Frogs & Turtles
Nov 22 & 23, 2021 (No Classes)
*Class days/times are predetermined & organized by classroom.
Trinity Lutheran School & Church.
School Gym
Step 1. Register
Step 2. Submit Payment of $40.
Step 3. An introductory email will be sent containing further information. Please keep our email for your records should you need to contact us.
Step 4: Get your child ready to have fun!
Class Description:
gu•idance kids is an introductory dance program designed for children ranging, 3 years of age and up, throughout schools in Central Florida. Our goal is to not only provide a solid foundation of what it means to be a dancer but to also help our students explore their creativity. To provide a well-rounded lesson, our curriculum also incorporates proper warm-up, cool-down exercises, culture, and dance history. Additionally, we encourage teamwork, confidence, individuality, and of course, fun!
Dance styles included in our program:
Introduction to Breaking
Hip-Hop Grooves & Bounces
Creative Movement
Body Awareness & Control
Who can sign up:
Ages 3 - 5
COVID Protocols:
As suggested by the CDC and required by Trinity, our dance teachers will wear a mask the entire class and hand sanitizers will be available.
Dance classes will take place in the school gym and classrooms will not mix.
Each Classroom will stay in their group with 2 coaches on site.
Socially Distant spacing will be in place during dance class.
Class Attire:
Please have your child wear comfortable clothing. For the safety of all our dancers, sneakers/closed-toe shoes are required.
Step 2 : Register
Step 3 : Check your email
You should have a confirmation email from us and a payment confirmation from Paypal. If you have any further questions please email us at guidancekids@definingmovement.org
See you in class!